Mental Toughness
You're not getting the results you want because you're not willing to change your behavior
What is Mental Toughness
Mental toughness is a measure of individual resilience and confidence that may predict success in sport, education and the workplace.
Habit 5 of Developing a Growth Mindset- Mental Toughness
Discover your “Why” and keep that at the fore front of everything you do
Stop apologizing for who you are
Some goals may take years and some even a life-time, and there will be many obstacles
When you lack mental toughness, your mind will show you several reasons why you cannot achieve your goal
You must be willing to fail or there will be no growth
View growth as internal and not external
Seek challenges that will help you develop the strength necessary for success
View challenges as opportunities
Steps to Building Mental Toughness
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”